Personnel Update: Jeff Small leaves Paul Gosar’s office, joins Department of Interior

Image Source: Jeff Small's Personal LinkedIn page.

Jeff Small, Senior Advisor to Congressman Paul Gosar, announced via his personal Facebook page, that he has resigned his position with the Arizona Congressman and taken a new role with the United States Department of the Interior (DOI). Small began his public service with Gosar as his Legislative Director in early 2016, according to his personal LinkedIn page. Prior to joining Gosar’s staff, Small worked in several campaign roles in Colorado.

Small’s move to DOI was first published by Environmental and Energy News (E&E News) who reported Small’s departure. According to the article, Gosar said in a statement, “Much of the Western Caucus’ success, expansion, and growing influence is thanks to the hard work and dedication of Jeff Small. He was an indispensable member of my team, and my entire staff benefited from his depth of knowledge and work ethic. Secretary Bernhardt is lucky to have such a knowledgeable patriot on his team.”

Small is the third Gosar staffer to leave the Hill and go to DOI. Melissa Brown and Faith Vander Voort, both worked in Gosar’s communication office, transitioned from his office to DOI. Gosar serves as the head of the Congressional Western Caucus which works closely with senior officials at Interior.


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