Kingman mayor facing a recall election; Petitions certified

Some people wearing face masks wait in line to shop Saturday, April 4, 2020, in Tempe, Ariz. (AP Photo/Matt York)

The Mohave County Recorder’s Office on Thursday certified the signatures on recall petitions against Kingman Mayor Jen Miles, who has come under criticism for the city’s mask mandate.

County officials said the petitions contained 1,512 valid signatures and that exceeded the 1,384 minimum number required.

The Kingman City Council has until March 26 to schedule a recall election.

A recall effort began last September for Miles and four city council members who voted to continue the mayor’s mask mandate for Kingman residents to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

Recall leader James Coffman said elected officials should be shown the door for their “abuse of power” in keeping the mask mandate.

“I’m not for saying no one should wear a mask. I just want individual choices to be made without having them made for us,” Coffman added.

Republished with the permission of the Associated Press.