Doug Ducey signs bill allowing community colleges to give four-year degrees

Photo Source: Governor's Office/Official Portrait

Governor Doug Ducey on Tuesday signed a bill allowing Arizona community colleges to offer four-year degrees reported Phoenix Fox 10.

As the state moves forward from the pandemic, Senate Bill 1453 is an important and timely shift to reskill and upskill Arizona’s workforce to meet the needs of the growing economy and provide a pathway to economic prosperity for more Arizonans.

“Today’s legislation will help people in every corner of our state,” said Representative Becky Nutt, who helped spearhead these efforts. “Arizona has been a national leader in school choice for many years, and allowing community colleges to offer four-year degrees will take a step further in meeting the needs of adult students,” she concluded.

The bill “is an important and timely shift to reskill and upskill Arizona’s workforce to meet the needs of the growing economy and provide a pathway to economic prosperity for more Arizonans.”

“We are committed to helping our students connect with programs that fit their needs and prepare them for job opportunities,” said Yavapai College President Dr. Lisa Rhine. “There is a wide range of jobs available all across the state, and we are preparing our students to meet that demand and reach their goals. Allowing community colleges like Yavapai College to offer four-year degrees will save students money, draw more students to our school and build up our workforce. My thanks to the legislators who supported Senate Bill 1453, Governor Ducey for signing it, and everyone who supported this important reform.”

Ducey posted on Twitter, “Today, I’m proud to sign #SB1453 to allow community colleges to offer four-year degrees, paving the way for Arizona’s current and future workforces and expanding opportunities for populations that are historically underrepresented in higher education.”