Arizona leads the way in Post COVID education reform


The Center for Education Reform announced they had received a $1 million grant from Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEERs) fund through federal CARES Act monies. These funds will go to schools that create innovative ways to serve all students during this new era of education.

“Congratulations are due as Arizona is the first state to realize that we can’t go back to normal.  The education revolution must continue for the sake of the children that can’t afford to fall further behind whether it’s because of COVID or because they are stuck in schools that refuse to abandon 19th century learning models,” said Jeanne Allen, CEO, and Founder of CER.

This funding is part of a larger initiative that Arizona governor Doug Ducey announced Wednesday. Gov. Ducey has earmarked $270 million in funding that will benefit education in Arizona in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

These funds are in response to the Arizona Department of Education’s Roadmap to Reopening guidance. The funds will help schools reopen safely, will help with budget shortfalls, help bridge the digital divide in rural schools.

  • $200 million to increase funding for remote learning and to protect schools against budget shortfalls due to declining enrollment;
  • $40 million to expand broadband in rural communities to bridge the digital divide;
  • $20 million to bring in extra support for high-need schools;
  • $6 million for the Arizona Teachers Academy to assist with the teacher shortage;
  • $1 million in microgrants to support innovative programs to continue educating Arizona students;
  • $1 million for vehicles for the Arizona School For The Deaf And Blind;
  • $700,000 for leadership development through Beat The Odds Leadership Academy; and
  • $500,000 for tutoring from Teach For America to provide tutoring to kids most in need, in schools most impacted across the state.

The microgrants application website will go live on June 25th. More information on how to apply can be found here.