House Republicans release majority agenda for 2020 session

[Photo Credit: Arizona Today]

House Majority Leader Warren Petersen (R-12) on Thursday released the House Republican Caucus’ Majority Plan for the upcoming 2020 Legislative Session, outlining shared policy goals of Republican Caucus members.

“Under Republican leadership, Arizona has reduced its debt, balanced its budget, protected constitutional rights, cut regulations, increased its credit rating, and dramatically increased education funding,” said Petersen. “Arizona is moving in the right direction as we have implemented good policy consistent with our values. Building on this momentum, and working together as a majority, House Republicans will continue to lead Arizona forward.”

Caucus priorities for the 2020 Legislative Session include support for:

  • Investment in K-12 Education
  • Protecting Parental and Constitutional Rights
  • Providing Tax Relief to Arizonans
  • Strengthening Border Security
  • Supporting Public Safety and Criminal Justice
  • Improving Transportation Throughout Arizona
  • Paying Off Debt
  • Preserving Arizona’s Water Supply
  • Promote affordable Health Care

specifics of the plan:

via the House Republican Caucus

Investing in K-12 Educations

We committed to give teachers a 20% raise by 2020. 15% has already been delivered as pledged, and this year the Legislature will fulfill its promise by funding the rest. But that is  not all. House Republicans will continue to increase education funding, which has reached a record-level of more than $10,000 per student in actual dollars. Investments will include a significant appropriation for building renewal, new construction, school safety, and district additional assistance.

Protecting Parental and Constitutional Rights

House Republicans take their oath of office seriously. There are several rights that merit special attention this session. Our caucus is committed to making sure the state doesn’t do anything to infringe on the 2nd Amendment. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that parents have a fundamental right protected by the Constitution to raise their children and make educational decisions for them. Unfortunately, some liberal public officials believe that the government should make decisions, not parents. If necessary, legislation will be introduced  to keep government in check and parents empowered. Finally, it is imperative that the God- given right to life is protected. From birth to death, every life is precious regardless of genetic disorder or disability.

Tax Relief

Governor Ducey has promised a tax cut every session. With record revenues and a sound financial situation, Arizona is in a position to pass a meaningful tax cut.

Border Security

Arizona citizens are concerned about the dangers of a porous border, including human trafficking, drugs, cartel violence, and other criminal activity. Although it is the responsibility of the federal government to secure the border, Arizona should take action where possible to supplement federal efforts. Any political subdivision of the state that becomes a so-called “sanctuary city” should be liable for brazenly encouraging illegal activity and its consequences.

Public Safety and Criminal Justice

Public safety is one of the most critical roles of government. To ensure that justice is served and property and life are protected, Arizona needs to invest in equipment and infrastructure for the Department of Corrections and Department of Public Safety. Officers’ pay should be competitive to ensure a stable and reliable workforce that provides Arizonans the best service possible. To reduce recidivism, we need to expand capacity for substance-abuse treatment, recovery support, cognitive restructuring, and educational services.


An effective transportation network is key to a thriving economy. According to U.S. News & World Report, Arizona has the 10th best transportation infrastructure in the nation. We need to keep pace with our rapid growth and maintain what we have. To help preserve and further improve our great roads and highways, key transportation projects as well as other elements across the state have been identified as priorities.

Pay Off Debt

Arizona has made huge strides in paying off debt that began to amass in the mid-2000s. Responsible decision-making has put the state on a financially sound path. Recently, Arizona earned its highest credit rating ever and boasts the largest Rainy Day Fund on record. But we believe more can be done. By reducing debt, Arizona can become even more financially stable and better prepared for any future economic downturn.


Passing the Drought Contingency Plan was a big step in securing Arizona’s water future. However, there are a significant number of legal disputes that need to be resolved so that Arizonans can look to the future with confidence in our water supply. Additional resources need to be dedicated to improve document access to better facilitate the resolution of water rights claimed throughout the state.

Health Care

While many health care decisions are subject to federal law, we must do all we can to promote affordability and transparency with the decisions that are still left to be made at the state level.


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