Paul Gosar supports Joe Biden impeachment

Image source: Paul Gosar's office

Rep. Paul Gosar is a cosponsor to House resolution 596, introduced by Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene. Greene filed for articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden for “willfully circumventing the express guidance of the United States Supreme Court by extending the COVID-19 eviction moratorium, and other high crimes and misdemeanors.”

During a rally last week, Greene said, “I believe in firing people when they are corrupt and do a bad job, and Joe Biden is failing America and needs to be impeached,” Taylor Greene said.

On Twitter Gosar wrote, “The Biden admin is breaking the law by extending the eviction moratorium without congressional approval. Literally Breaking the Law.”

In early August, Gosar filed articles of impeachment recently for Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas saying it was “well overdue and critical for the security of our nation.”

Late last year, Gosar joined 18 other legislators who signed a letter penned by Congressman Mo Brooks, asking Congress to intervene and change the outcome of the 2020 Presidential election.