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Donald Trump impeached after Capitol riot in historic second charge

President Donald Trump was impeached by the U.S. House for a historic second time Wednesday, charged with “incitement of insurrection” over the deadly mob...

Donald Trump trial closing arguments aim at voters, history

Key Republicans have decided the president's actions toward Ukraine do not rise to the level of impeachable offense.

Donald Trump acquittal now likely Wednesday; Senate nixes witnesses

The delay in timing showed the weight of a historic vote bearing down on senators.

24 hours in, senators flout quaint impeachment rules

Some openly snickered when lead prosecutor Adam Schiff said he'd only speak for 10 minutes.

Senate rejects witnesses in impeachment trial rules

“We have a great case,” Donald Trump said of the ongoing trial.

Buckle up: What to watch as impeachment trial takes off

Despite hopes for a speedy trial, things could last longer depending on Senate moderates.

Donald Trump defenders push ‘no crime’ as Democrats seek removal

This approach stems from a letter written in 1868.

Donald Trump’s impeachment trial begins, senators vow ‘impartial justice’

Senators said later that when Roberts appeared the solemnity of the occasion took hold.

Senate takes over Donald Trump’s impeachment after House handoff

The team of impeachment managers escorted the document to the Senate in a dramatic procession.

House votes to send Donald Trump’s impeachment to Senate for trial

Nancy Pelosi also named impeachment prosecutors for the trial.