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Tag: Joe Biden

GOP blocks Senate COVID bill, demands votes on immigration

Republicans blocked a Democratic attempt Tuesday to begin Senate debate on a $10 billion COVID-19 compromise, pressing to entangle the bipartisan package with an...

Democratic, GOP Senate bargainers reach $10 billion COVID agreement

Senate bargainers reached an agreement Monday on a slimmed-down $10 billion package for countering COVID-19 with treatments, vaccines, and other steps, the...

Federal lawsuit seeks to block end to sweeping asylum limits

Conservative-led governments in Arizona, Louisiana, and Missouri have sued President Joe Biden’s administration to prevent federal officials from ending a public health...

Vulnerable Democrats warn Joe Biden about reopening asylum

The Biden administration’s decision to end sweeping asylum limits at the border this May satisfied demands by prominent Democrats eagerly awaiting the...

States fight Biden’s prison-to-streets pipeline for illegal immigrant convicts

The Biden administration has allowed a more than eleven-fold increase in the number of illegal immigrant offenders let out of Texas prisons...

Bipartisan deal near on trimmed $10 billion COVID bill

Lawmakers moved to the brink Thursday of shaking hands on a scaled-back bipartisan compromise providing a fresh $10 billion to combat COVID-19,...

White House: Intel shows Vladimir Putin misled by advisers on Ukraine

U.S. intelligence officials have determined that Russian President Vladimir Putin is being misinformed by advisers about his military’s poor performance in Ukraine, according to...

Doug Ducey ends 2-year-old virus state of emergency

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey on Wednesday ended the state of emergency he declared at the start of the coronavirus pandemic more than...

Group rebuffs House inquiry into New Mexico election audit

A congressional oversight committee indicated Wednesday that the lead contractor in a partisan audit of 2020 election results in New Mexico has...

Joe Biden signs bill making lynching a federal hate crime

Presidents typically say a few words before they turn legislation into law. But Joe Biden flipped the script Tuesday when it came...