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Tag: Kris Mayes

Attorney General Kris Mayes halts ESG investigation started by predecessor

Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes is ending the state's role in investigations backed by her predecessor into a business practice emerging in...

AG Kris Mayes issues warning over sports betting scams

As many Arizonans prepare for the first Super Bowl in the state since 2015, Attorney General Kris Mayes offers a warning about...

AZ Sec. of State Adrian Fontes asks AG Kris Mayes to...

Republican Kari Lake may soon be under investigation for posting photos of voter signatures to Twitter.  Democratic Secretary of...

Gov. Katie Hobbs creates commission to study Arizona prison problems

Gov. Katie Hobbs on Wednesday announced the creation of a commission to study problems in Arizona’s prisons, including staffing levels and the...

Arizona executions on hold amid review ordered by governor

Arizona’s attorney general has put a hold on executions in the state until the completion of a review of death penalty protocols...

AG Kris Mayes warns of scams ahead of Super Bowl in...

As the Phoenix Metropolitan Area prepares for the Super Bowl next month, Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes is warning consumers about scammers...

Arizona judge delays trial in fight over education funding

A lawsuit over how much money Arizona’s lawmakers allocate for school maintenance, buses, textbooks, and technology won’t go to trial next week,...

Court: Abortion doctors can’t be charged under Arizona law

An Arizona court has ruled that abortion doctors cannot be prosecuted under a pre-statehood law that criminalizes nearly all abortions yet was...

Democrat Kris Mayes wins Arizona attorney general race after recount

A recount of votes has confirmed Democrat Kris Mayes narrowly defeated Republican Abraham Hamadeh in the Arizona attorney general’s race, one of...

Kari Lake challenges her defeat in Arizona governor’s race

Kari Lake, the Republican defeated in the Arizona governor’s race, is formally challenging her loss to Democrat Katie Hobbs, asking a court...