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Tag: Donald Trump

Joe Biden fights for momentum in Democrats’ shifting primary

There are still questions lingering over Biden's campaign as super Tuesday approaches.

Donald Trump accuses Democrats of ‘hoax’ for criticizing virus plan

Donald Trump also spoke of the steps his administration is taking to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

White House hopefuls target Donald Trump on coronavirus response

A number of candidates have gone as far as to release pandemic policies.

Donald Trump faces credibility test as he plays down virus threat

Donald Trump conducted a lengthy press conference Wednesday evening aimed at reassuring everyone that he has the crisis well in hand.

Roger Stone judge calls back jurors to address misconduct claims

The revelation by U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson was another highly unusual twist in the Stone saga.

Bernie Sanders faces attacks in Democrats’ debate-stage clash

Bernie Sanders faced the brunt of attacks during the debate.

Worried Democrats rush to slow front-runner Bernie Sanders

A new political group was spending big to undermine Sanders' standing with African American voters.

Donald Trump returns to domestic squabbles on India trip

Donald Trump warned of economic calamity if he loses his reelection race in November.

Donald Trump receives colorful welcome on international trip

More than 100,000 in India packed the world's largest cricket stadium.

Supreme Court Justices return for season of big decisions, amid campaign

There is a bumper crop of hot issues on the court's agenda.